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How to Know if He or She is “the ONE” for You

Updated: Mar 9, 2023

While growing up, Leah often fantasized about her wedding and marriage. She always dreamed of marrying a successful handsome man. Being beautiful and intelligent herself, she expected nothing short of that from her future partner. When she got married, things didn’t turn out as she expected. Though she married a successful good-looking man, Leah was constantly berated, belittled, and criticized by her husband. She was often made to feel like she was worthless and that nothing she ever did was good enough. He would tell her that she was useless and wouldn't let her have any friends or pursue any hobbies. He also withheld money and resources from her, thus she could barely take care of herself. Leah suffered greatly in her marriage because of it.

Was her husband a bad person? Was it Leah’s fault? All we can say is that they did not invest time in connecting, understanding, and getting to know each other. They both settled without knowing if they were right for each other. Relationships are complex and often unpredictable. We all have our own unique experiences that shape how we view relationships, but there are some common threads that can help us understand who is the right person for us. Leah's story is a sad one, but it can teach us valuable lessons about the importance of choosing a suitable partner to get married to.

It’s important to note that there isn’t just ONE person in this world meant for you to get married to. “The One” means a suitable partner for you. There is a kind of person that suits you and often God will bring across different options for you to choose from. Here are 5 ways to know if he or she is a suitable partner for you

1. Know Yourself and What You Want in a Partner

Knowing yourself and what you want in a partner is an important step in finding the right person to share your life with. It's important to take the time to reflect on who you are, what values you hold, and what kind of relationship you're looking for. By understanding yourself better, you can make sure that your expectations are realistic and that you're looking for someone who shares your values and goals. Taking the time to get to know yourself will help to ensure that when the time comes to choose a partner, you'll be able to suitable one when they come along our way.

2. Get to Know Someone Before Committing

When it comes to relationships, it is important to take the time to get to know someone before committing. Taking the time to get to know someone can help you to determine if they are a good fit for you and if you have similar values and goals. It can also help you to avoid making a mistake that could lead to heartache or regret down the line. Don’t be in a rush to put labels on a relationship. Start by building a friendship with this person. Can you truly be friends and enjoy each other’s company without any distractions? Building a friendship will help you to make an informed decision about your relationship. It also builds a strong foundation for your future together.

3. Be Open and Honest with Your Partner

Starting a new relationship can be exciting and intimidating all at the same time. It brings with it a certain level of uncertainty. To ensure a successful start to any relationship, it is important to be open and honest with your potential partner from the beginning. This includes sharing your thoughts, feelings, expectations, and desires.

4. Respect Each Other’s Differences

Respect is a key component in any relationship. Everyone has different backgrounds and experiences, so it is important to take the time to learn about each other, and to understand where someone is coming from. Doing this helps us to avoid biases, and to create a strong foundation for a healthy and trusting relationship. Respecting each other's differences can also help you to discover values that you have in common. Differences are usually what make a relationship stronger if they complement each other. If you are with someone who is like you then you will have the same weaknesses. You should partner with someone whose strengths complement your weaknesses and vice versa.

5. Spend Quality Time Together

Starting a relationship with the right person can be one of the most important decisions you make. In order to make sure you choose the right person, take the time to get to know each other. Spend quality time together and have fun. Doing things together, such as going to the movies, taking walks, or going out for dinner, can help you to learn about each other and see whether you are compatible. By making time for each other and having fun together, you can build a strong foundation for a long-term relationship.

Until we meet again, FyndLove wishes you the best in your journey to find love. If you need help in building your new relationship, hesitate not to get to us with any questions. Go ahead and sign up for a FREE coaching session. We’re excited to meet you.

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